
Learn without limits

Our mission is to empower parents with the knowledge and skills you need to create a supportive environment for your children's growth. Through our Montessori prenatal courses and ongoing support, we aim to help parents understand the principles of respectful parenting and how to apply them in your daily lives.


Montessori playgroup


A Montessori playgroup is a group of children and their parents who come together to participate in developmentally appropriate activities that are based on the principles of the Montessori method. These activities are designed to support children’s physical, cognitive, social, and emotional development, and are typically hands-on and interactive.

Our Montessori playgroups are led by a AMI trained Montessori educator, who guides children and parents through the activities and provides support and guidance as needed. The goal of our Montessori playgroup is to provide children with a positive and nurturing environment where they can learn, grow, and develop their full potential.

Course format

  • 5 or 10 week course options available
  • Timing: 3:30pm - 5:00pm
  • Prices:

    • $300 (5 weeks class)
    • $600 (10 weeks class)
  • Days: Monday to Friday (Current options available in the registration form)

Montessori playgroup topics

During our playgroups we cover topics such as:

  1. Gross motor skills: Activities that support young children’s gross motor skills, such as crawling, walking, running, and climbing.
  2. Fine motor skills: Activities that support young children’s fine motor skills, such as grasping, holding, and manipulating small objects.
  3. Sensory integration: Activities that help young children integrate and organize their sensory experiences, such as exploring different textures, smells, and sounds.
  4. Social-emotional development: Activities that support young children’s social-emotional development, such as learning to take turns, share, and communicate with others.
  5. Self-regulation: Activities that help young children learn to regulate their emotions and behaviors, such as deep breathing and relaxation techniques.
  6. Nature and science: Activities that introduce young children to the natural world, such as exploring plants, animals, and the environment.
  7. Music and movement: Activities that encourage young children to express themselves through music and movement, such as dancing, singing, and playing instruments.
  8. Parent support: Opportunities for parents to connect with other parents and receive support and guidance on parenting issues and challenges.

Benefits of the montessori playgroup for children and parents

Montessori playgroups offer a wide range of benefits for children and their parents. They provide children with developmentally appropriate activities that support their physical, cognitive, social, and emotional development. At the same time, Montessori playgroups introduce children to a variety of educational concepts and materials in a hands-on and interactive way, encouraging their natural curiosity and love of learning. Montessori playgroups also provide young children with an opportunity to interact with other children and adults in a supportive and nurturing environment, helping them learn to socialize and make friends. For parents, Montessori playgroups offer an opportunity to learn about the Montessori approach to parenting and child development, and receive support and guidance on parenting issues and challenges. Additionally, Montessori playgroups can help build a sense of community among families and provide an opportunity for parents to connect with other like-minded parents.


Our Montessori Playgroup program lets you connect with likeminded families in a safe free of judgement environment. Participation brings joy and simplicity to parenting by understanding your role as a children guide. We want parents to access Montessori methods before preschool when children are already capable of a lot. (Montessori method is applicable from birth or even before)


Join the learning journey

Ola is a Master of Physiotherapy and holds a BA in teaching. In addition, she holds an AMI Diploma 0-3, Montessori Education certificate for 3-6 Montessori and has been teaching children for over a decade. Ola is also a mother and enjoys raising her own son the Montessori way.

Aleksandra Gorgol
Les Oliviers
+65 8310 ****

Register interest in course


My child likes and trusts Teacher Aleksandra very much. She can face children calmly, and her fridom within limits is so clear. The whole environment and teacher are very integrated, and she is also very kind and friendly outside class. She can give me excellent advice when I have some doubts. Thank you, we enjoyed the playgroup!

Debbie, mum of Matthew

Learning, Respect, and Nurturing Children's Potential.

Welcome to our Montessori classroom, a centre for learning the Montessori approach and nurturing the potential of children. Our focus is on respect and the belief that every child has unique abilities and potential. In our Montessori classroom, children are free to explore and discover at their own pace, with the support and guidance of AMI trained Montessori educators.

Materials and Activities for Supporting Children's Development

We offer a range of materials and activities that are designed to support the child's natural development and help them to build important skills and abilities. Parents are welcome to observe and learn more about the Montessori approach and how to support their child's development at home. We look forward to welcoming you to our Montessori classroom and supporting you on your parenting journey.

About Montessori Method

In the world full of confusing information about raising children, Montessori philosophy comes with calming spaces, practical information and simple solutions to make your (and your child) life more peaceful. When Maria Montessori started her research she observed thousands of children across the world. She observed that in the first years of a child's life they all develop a very similar set of skills. Her method takes advantage of the understanding of the human being and human development. Applying it lets us empower child and let them grow to their full potential .

Supporting natural development of children

Most popular quote Montessori Method is "Help me to do it myself", by her observation she understood that to foster child's development we have to let them grow for themselves

Helping children reach their full pottential

"Education should no longer be mostly imparting of knowledge, but must take a new path, seeking the release of human potentialities." Maria Montessori

Assisting in preparation of the home environment

Learning happens through all the senses and hands-on experience. Thus home environment should be simple yet beautiful and safe place for children to explore.

Giving parents the tools to feel confident in parenting

The adult is a guide who observes and gives freedom. They should provide limits, prepare and change the s]paceto enjoy life together with child

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